Scottish Country Dancing is alive and well in Kelowna. You do not have to be Scottish, have dance experience, wear a kilt, or even have a partner to enjoy Scottish Country Dancing. You do need to enjoy social dancing and wish to have fun.
We are pleased to announce that Scottish Country Dance classes will commence on Tuesday September 9, 2024. Come along and try us out.
Location: Central Okanagan United Church Hall 721 Bernard Ave. Kelowna
Time 7-9PM Tuesdays
Fall Classes: September 9- December 16
Winter-Spring Classes: January 6 – April 28, 2025
First class is FREE and the second class is $10 drop in. If you decide to join us your membership will be prorated
Contact us at for further information.
Scottish Country Dancing is an excellent way to keep active by learning basic Scottish dance patterns and formations. Make new friends and spend time socializing. Enjoy superb Scottish music! It’s easy to get started, no partner required, not special clothes just soft shoes. We hope to see you soon.