About our Band
Previous incarnation was as the Kamloops Legion Pipe Band. Became our own Society in the 1970’s under the leadership of various Pipe Majors including, but not limited to, Glen Esdale, Bob Gallaher, Edmond Chilton and Kevin MacDonald. Presently, and for the past 20 plus years, the band has been spearheaded by P/M Scot Kortegaard.
The Kamloops Pipe band Society is made up of approximately 40 members of which approximately 26 active, competing players from Kamloops, Kelowna, Merritt, Williams lake, Prince George, Salmon Arm, Enderby and Lake Country. Our other players join the band for various parades and civic events throughout the year. They also support our bands activities in assisting at various personal events (wedding, retirements, funerals and many sporting events).
As a competing pipe band, the Kamloops Pipe Band Society maintains a membership with the British Columbia Pipers Association (BCPA) which is the governing society for all sanctioned solo and pipe band competitions in BC and the states of Washington and Oregon. Competitions occur several times a year and include the Vancouver Indoor (early spring), Victoria (May), Coquitlam (June) Skagit, Bellingham, Penticton, Campbell River, Seattle and Portland. We also compete at the Calgary and Canmore Highland Games in Early September. Given the recent pandemic, many of the these competitions were suspended since 2020 but are now opening up again. Fortunately our band was able to compete agin this past fall at Calgary and Canmore winning some prizes.
Our new music sets for the upcoming competition year is out and practises are in full swing learning and memorizing the music. The Kamloops Pipe Band Society is anticipating entering a near full slate of Highland game competitions for the 2023 season.
Notes of Appreciation
Our band has had some significant assistance during the pandemic with a venue in which to hold our weekly practises. A great big “shout-out” to Dave “Pup” Johnston, the owner/Operator of the Blue Grotto Nightclub on Victoria Street in Kamloops for opening up his premises a countless number of times to allow us group practises> Thank-you Pup!!!!
With the ending of most pandemic restrictions our Band was able to return to the Rocky Mountain Rangers (RMR) Armoury on McGill Street in Kamloops for our weekly practises. Given what had transpire during the pandemic our Band was approached by Lt. Col. Amadeo Vecchio, The Commanding Officer of the RMR concerning making our arrangement with his Command more permanent. As such, in July, 2022 Lt. Col. Vecchio offer the Kamloops Pipe Band Society the McGill Street Armouries as our now permanent home in perpetuity!! This includes practise space weekly and on weekends as well as storage space for our surplus kit and instruments. This is truly a welcome event for our band which we gratefully accepted!!! Many, many thanks to Lt. Col. Vecchio and all members of the RMR!!
Interested in Learning?
We have members that are willing to give lessons, on either pipes, or drums. Our members range from open class players with decades of experience, to raw beginners just starting out on their musical journey.
For more information email our band manager Shalni at flinggirl@shaw.ca