BC Piping Community Loses a Leader and a Friend

Many are very saddened to hear of the passing of Pipe Major, Gord Titsworth of the Trail Pipe Band. Gord gave endless hours of performances and entertained many crowds. He leaves big shoes to fill and will be terribly missed by so many.

Gord was a huge part of the BC piping community, quick to step up to help and encourage others. His band hosted the Spring Fling gathering of interior pipe bands many times. Gordon was one of the characters you always knew would be at Spring Fling every year to make you feel welcome and appreciated.

Jack Lee commented that “He loved playing the pipes and he did it very well. But just as strongly he really liked to make sure that pipers around him were also enjoying their piping. You would often see him fixing their pipes, changing their reeds, helping them with their tunes, etc.”

Gordon will be missed.

Kelvern Webmaster

Hi, I'm Mary the web master of the Kelvern Celtic Society.

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